Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Semester-in-Residence Program, spring 2014

Arizona State University-Yerevan State University Women’s Leadership Project

Semester-in-Residence Program, Spring 2014

Introduction: Arizona State University’s Melikian Center and the ASU Women and Gender Studies Program is collaborating with Yerevan State University in a three-year partnership to build curricular and outreach capacity relating to women and gender issues through the YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Studies. The project is funded by a grant from Higher Education for Development in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development.  One special feature of the project is the semester-in-residence program at ASU. Yerevan State University participants will be selected to reside at ASU for approximately four months duration in the spring 2014 semester.  

Who is eligible to apply? All current and prospective YSU instructional and research staff, including professors, assistants, and lecturers who have teaching or research interests related to women and gender studies are encouraged to apply (in exceptional cases, non-YSU applicants will also be considered, but they are encourage to seek a formal affiliation with YSU). Because the selected participants will attend seminars at ASU, English skills sufficient to participate in university classes and seminars are required.  In keeping with the ASU commitment to diversity and the university’s policy to provide equal opportunity in educational programs and activities, discrimination is prohibited on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability.

Deadline:  The deadline for submitting applications for the Spring 2014 semester-in-residence program is September 30, 2013. The review of application and interviews with applicants will be conducted in the first half of October 2013.

Interested individuals are encouraged to contact any of the following individuals:
Dr. Victor Agadjanian (agadjanian@asu.edu), ASU Project Director and Professor at the ASU Sanford School
Dr. Stephen Batalden (stephen.batalden@asu.edu), ASU Co-Project Director and Director of the ASU Melikian Center
Dr. Mary Fonow (mfonow@asu.edu), ASU Co-Project Director and Director of the ASU School of Social Transformation
Dr. Alexander Markarov (amarkarov@ysu.am), YSU Co-Project Director and YSU Deputy Vice Rector and Head of the YSU International Cooperation Office
Dr. Gohar Shahnazaryan (g_shahnazaryan@yahoo.com), The YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Studies Director

What will YSU participants do while at ASU?  The requirements and expectations are outlined on page 4 below. 

Costs: All participant expenses, including airfare, housing and utility costs, and a stipend for meals and incidental expenses, will be provided by the ASU Melikian Center as part of the grant. Participants will also be provided with an allowance for the purchase of textbooks and related materials that are needed for participation in ASU seminars and for the development of courses to be taught upon return to YSU.  Funds are not available to cover costs for dependents of participants, with the result that no dependents will be able to be accommodated at ASU under terms of this program.

Will my YSU salary be continued while I am on leave from the university?  Yerevan State University has agreed to pay 60% of the salaries of YSU faculty members while they are participating in the exchange program at Arizona State University.

Are there opportunities for those not able to spend a semester in residence at ASU?  Recognizing that not all Yerevan State University faculty and assistants will be spend a semester in Arizona, ASU faculty will present occasional workshops at YSU when they visit.  A web page for the ASU-YSU linkage will be created to share information and curricular materials that are developed as a result of this linkage project.  There will also be opportunities for a few short-term scholarly visits for those not able to spend a semester-in-residence at ASU. All ASU project personnel are available to consult with you on topics related to this project.

Application for ASU-YSU Linkage Program

Spring 2014 Semester

Note:   Please complete this form and all attachments in English.


Personal Information

Name (FAMILY, first):            __________________________________________________________
Home Address:                        __________________________________________________________
Home and/or cell Phone:__________________________________________________________
Work Address:             __________________________________________________________
Work Phone:                __________________________________________________________
Fax:                             __________________________________________________________  
E-mail address:                        __________________________________________________________
Current position at YSU: _________________________________________________________
My field of specialization is: ______________________________________________________

Language and Computer Skills 

English (oral):                                      English (written):

___ elementary                                                ___ elementary
___ intermediate                                  ___ intermediate
___ advanced                                      ___ advanced

Computer Skills (Please indicate skill level as “none,” “elementary,” “intermediate,” or “advanced”):

Windows OS _______________                                 statistical software: _________________________
Mac OS ________________________                                   web page development: ______________________
word processing: __________________________     power point: _______________________________
spreadsheets: _____________________________    Photo/graphics software           _____________________
databases: ________________________________   other _____________________________________

Prior U.S. Travel   (List below any prior U.S. travels, including date and purpose of travel.)

Required Attachments (to be submitted in English with the application)

1. A brief resume or curriculum vitae to this application. Your resume should include the degrees you have earned, your employment experience, your publications, other research, and your prior travel abroad (exclusive of U.S. travel noted above).  

2. A statement of your research and teaching interests (one paragraph). 

3. A listing of the two courses in the field of women and gender studies that you would be interested in developing while at ASU. (You will attend relevant classes and develop syllabi for two courses while in residence at ASU.)  Please see (http://sst.clas.asu.edu/women-and-gender-studies) for an introduction to the curriculum in women and gender studies at ASU.

4. A brief one-page typed statement responding to the following questions:  a) Why are you interested in participating in this exchange?  b) What goals do you hope to achieve if you are selected?

5. Optional: a letter from you unit’s head indicating that the courses to be developed by the applicant would be included in the unit’s curriculum.

NB.  If you are selected to participate, you will need to bring a copy of your passport and the completed attached questionnaire for the DS2019 Form to the orientation session.

Web sites:
            http://www.asu.edu                                                    ASU home page
            http://sst.clas.asu.edu/women-and-gender-studies     ASU Women and Gender Studies Program
            http://melikian.asu.edu                                                            ASU Melikian Center
            http://sst.clas.asu.edu/front                                         ASU School of Social Transformation
            http://thesanfordschool.asu.edu                                              ASU Sanford School
            https://clas.asu.edu/                                                     ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
            http://spa.asu.edu                                                        ASU School of Public Affairs

Expectations for YSU Participants Traveling to ASU for a Semester Residence

1.                  YSU participants will provide ASU representatives with necessary information in a timely manner to process visa requests, coordinate travel arrangements, and schedule your attendance in ASU classes. You will participate in a pre-departure orientation in Yerevan prior to travel to the US

2.                  YSU participants will attend an initial university orientation upon arrival in Arizona.  The orientation will include issues of higher education in the U.S., the administrative structure and governance of ASU, and information about Women and Gender Studies degree programs and courses.

3.                  YSU participants will attend 2 regularly scheduled seminars in Women and Gender Studies or related coursework in other programs. You will be provided with textbooks and will be expected to complete readings that are assigned to the class.  Final class selections will be made during the initial university orientation in consultation with the ASU project directors and facilitators in the ASU School of Social Transformation.  For a list of classes and course descriptions, visit the ASU Website noted elsewhere in this application.

4.                  YSU participants will attend a weekly seminar organized specifically for this ASU-YSU partnership.  Seminars will cover pedagogical topics, topics relevant to your field, and community outreach issues.

5.                  During the semester at ASU, YSU participants will develop a comprehensive action plan for implementation upon their return to Yerevan State University. The action plan will include development of two syllabi for courses that will be taught upon return to YSU.

6.                  You will meet, as appropriate, with the ASU-YSU facilitators during regularly scheduled office hours and by appointment as needed.

7.                  You will have the opportunity to network with professional colleagues in your field and may, on occasion, give guest presentations. 

8.                  You will be invited to participate in Melikian Center and School of Social Transformation interdisciplinary activities and other University events.

I agree to the terms outlined above and wish to be considered for placement in the exchange program at ASU.

_________________________________                              ____________________

Signature                                                                                  Date

Questionnaire to process DS2019 Form for US Visas
This form must be completed by all those selected for the semester-in-residence program when they come for the orientation session at YSU.

  1. Have you ever been to the United States before under the Visitor Exchange Program:
If yes: From _______ to __________
If yes, what category were you in: student, professor, research scholar, specialist, or short-term scholar:
  1. Please write your name as it appears on your passport:
Family Name:
First Name:
Middle Name:
  1. Date of Birth (month/day/year):
  2. Name of Town and Country of Birth:
  3. What citizenship do you hold:
  4. In what country are you a permanent resident:
  5. Official Title/Position:
  6. Your passport number and date of expiration
  7. Do you have a U.S. social security number?
            If yes, please provide that number to us.
  1. If you are invited to the project orientation, please be sure to bring a photocopy of the signature page of your passport.